DCA Call for Candidates and Volunteers
Dear Colleagues:
The Dance Critics Association will have openings for new board members, most likely starting in June 2011. We are also looking for new volunteers for the DCA's ongoing projects and goals. You need not be a board member to volunteer and
participate in DCA planning and programming. From fundraising to planning our annual conference, newsletter oversight to mentorship programs, your contribution will put you in touch with a community of like-minded critics from around the world. To volunteer, e-mail the DCA Administrator at
Board Member Qualifications & Expectations
- Any voting member in good standing can nominate herself/himself or any other paid-up voting member
by writing, e-mailing, or phoning the elections chair. No second is required, but no one can be nominated
without her/his knowledge and consent. Any nominee found not to be a paid-up voting member will be removed
from the ballot without further consideration.
- The term of directors is 3 years. No director may serve more than 7 consecutive years.
- Board members are required to attend at least 2 of the board's monthly meetings held via telephone conference call.
- Board members are also expected to volunteer their time and skill on at least one of the DCA Board of Director's committees.
- Board members will be expected to attend the June 2011 DCA Conference.
- The bylaws permit two non-voting associate members to serve on the board.
If you are interested in becoming a candidate for the DCA Board of Directors, you can apply by sending
your contact information and a brief biography of yourself including your accomplishments to the DCA Administrator, via e-mail at dancecritics@hotmail.com
Dance Critics Association
PO Box 1882, Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10011
Applications must be received by February 1, 2010.
Not a voting member and want to be? E-mail us.
To add or change an e-mail address contact Membership Services:
Karyn Collins, Dance Critics Association
PO Box 1882, Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10011.