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  • DCA Updated Conferences and Seminars

    DCA is assembling a preliminary overhaul of its history as part of the 30th anniversary celebration. The following is a template list of annual conferences and special conferences and seminars sponsored or co-sponsored by DCA, 1974–2004, based on available material as of this writing. We are currently working on names of participants and are drawing from conference brochures and newsletter announcements in our possession. Program sponsors are included where available. Material on file at the Jerome Robbins Dance Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center has been consulted.

    Current list compiled by Janet Light, with help from Mindy Aloff, Barbara Palfy, Marcia B. Siegel, Lynn Garafola, Jonnie Greene, Barbara Figge Fox, George Dorris, George Jackson, Monica Moseley, Barbara Cohen Stratyner, Karyn C. Collins and Katy Matheson.

    DCA would like to acknowledge particular individuals and organizations for their support and generosity through the years. Thank you to the Jerome Robbins Dance Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center, and to Genevieve Oswald, Madeleine Nichols and Monica Moseley, for invaluable help and assistance; to DCA member Jonnie Greene for her imagination and vision in helping to formulate special seminars and obtain financial support; to the late Ben Sommers and Capezio for continued support from DCA's early days; and to the late Edward T. Gorey, for permission to use his illustrations for some of our conference brochures. DCA is grateful to Barnard College and its Dance Department, under former Chair Janet Soares, for hosting and supporting DCA conferences so generously at various times; and to Doris Diether, for her selfless work for DCA from its inception.

    DCA also wishes to acknowledge those members who have directed writers' workshops at annual conferences: Marcia B. Siegel, Deborah Jowitt, Camille Hardy, Suzanne Levy, Nancy Goldner, Mindy Aloff, Susan Reiter, Lynne Conner, and Elizabeth Zimmer (partial listing).

    Thank you to Marcia B. Siegel for moderating numerous conference wrap-ups through the years, as well as to Karyn C. Collins, Richard Philp and George Jackson.

    First conference

    McAlpin Hotel, New York City

    Second conference
    12-15 June 1975

    New York University Loeb Student Center, New York City
    Keynote speaker: Alwin Nikolais
    Conference coordinators: Patrick O'Connor, Paula Shapiro
    Panel discussions led by: Selma Jeanne Cohen and John Gruen
    Participants: Walter Terry, Deborah Jowitt, Clive Barnes, Tobi Tobias
    Film program coordinated by: George Jackson
    Tickets to peripheral events arranged by: Ellen Stodolsky
    And a belated thank you to Patrick O'Connor for generously dipping into personal funds when those belonging to the Association were frozen.

    6-8 January 1978

    Hotel Piccadilly, New York City
    Keynote speaker: Agnes de Mille
    Participants: Panel on Style, Deborah Jowitt, moderator; on Music for Dance, Jack Diether, moderator; on Publicity and Press Relations, Lee Stern, moderator; on Editors, Rita Katz Farrell, moderator; on Ethics, Marcia B. Siegel, moderator, replacing Suzanne Shelton.

    "Who Owns Your Work?"
    12 June 1978

    Copyright clinic sponsored by DCA at the American Theatre Laboratory, New York City
    Organizers: Sally Banes, Marcia B. Siegel, Tobi Tobias
    Critics' Conference, November 1978, Austin, Texas
    Conference director: Deborah Jowitt
    Local coordinator: Marvadene Brock
    Conference took place during the Austin residency of Martha Graham Dance Company, 2-5 November.

    Bay Area Critics' Conference
    27-31 March 1979

    Organizers: Alan Brown and Janice Ross
    Guest faculty: Marcia B. Siegel

    Dance Critics Association Conference and Annual Meetings
    7-19 June 1979

    New York Society for Ethical Culture, New York City
    Themes: The problems and practice of dance criticism; August Bournonville
    Keynote speaker: Erik Aschengreen
    Featured speakers: Henning Kronstam
    Lecture/demonstration on Bournonville style by: Sandra Caverly
    Workshops for participants conducted by: David Gordon, Meredith Monk, Trisha Brown
    Performance: Lis Jeppesen

    Conference Coordinator: Theresa Bowers
    Planning committee: Dale Harris, Barbara Newman, Robert Pierce, Michael Robertson, Suzanne Shelton, Marcia B. Siegel, Linda Small
    Student volunteers organized by: Jean Nuchtern
    Book exhibit: Kitty Cunningham
    Space for opening reception provided by the Dance Collection of New York Public Library at Lincoln Center

    Texas Institute for Dance Criticism
    29-30 September 1979

    Houston Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas.
    In conjunction with the Houston Ballet première of Peter Wright's version of Giselle.
    Guest faculty: John Mueller, Marcia B. Siegel, John Mueller, Nancy Goldner, Arlene Croce, Deborah Jowitt, and others
    Financial support: Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin; the Texas Commission on the Arts; the University of Texas at Austin Fine Arts Program; the Cultural Arts Council of Houston
    Note: The Texas Institute for Dance Criticism, an outgrowth of the Austin Dance Critics Association, was founded in 1976 by Suzanne Shelton andsponsored weekend workshops and summer institutes designed to sharpen professional skills.

    Critics and the Dance Press
    7 April 1980

    New York University Loeb Student Center, New York City
    Discussion with press representatives to improve relationships between dance publicists and critics.
    Coordinator: Tullia [Bohen] Limarzi

    "Dance and the Camera"
    5-8 June 1980

    New York Society for Ethical Culture, New York City
    Keynote speaker: Merce Cunningham
    Participants: David Vaughan; Mindy Aloff, moderator, with panel TBA; George Dorris, with panel TBA; Laurie Horn, Sali Ann Kriegsman, Linda Winer; John Mueller; Virginia Brooks; Camille Hardy, moderator, with Dennis Diamond, Senta Driver
    Program Committee: Camille Hardy, Chairman; Mindy Aloff, Tullia Limarzi, Kitty Cunningham, Laurie Horn, Sali Ann Kriegsman, Susan Reiter, Linda Winer
    Executive committee assistance: Sally Banes, George Dorris, Marilyn Hunt, Deborah Jowitt, Allen Robertson, Michael Robertson, Suzanne Shelton, Marcia B. Siegel, Elizabeth Zimmer
    Reception and Registration: Astor Gallery, Lincoln Center
    Conference Coordinator: Marvadine Brock
    Graphic design by: Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Urbana, Illinois
    Illustration by: Marilynn Bleck

    Midwest Dance Critics' Workshop
    9-12 March 1981

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with assistance from DCA
    Coinciding with a Murray Louis Dance Company residency.
    Guest faculty: Jack Anderson, Suzanne Shelton, Camille Hardy (Illinois faculty member)

    "Tap Shoes, Toe Shoes, High Heel Boots: Crossing the Borders of Ethnic Dance"
    4-7 June 1981

    New York Society for Ethical Culture, New York City

    Traditional Ethnic Dance
    Keynote Speaker: La Meri
    Moderator: Suzanne Shelton
    Participants: Deborah Jowitt, with TBA; George Jackson, with TBA; movement sessions and films

    Current Ethnic Dance: American Popular
    Keynotes: Honi Coles, Peter Martins. Sally R. Sommer, moderator
    Participants: Sally Banes, Alan M. Kriegsman; Sali Ann Kriegsman; Mura Dehn (film presentation); movement sessions
    S. Shelton and TBA; Keynote, TBA

    Swingin' and Stompin'
    Charles Malloy, lecture-demonstration
    Other participants: Charles "Cookie" Cook; Alexandra Danilova, Jane Goldberg, Judith Lynn Hanna, Doris Hering, Indrani, Loremil Machado, Pepe de Malaga, Estrella Morena, Mariano Parra, Pearl Primus, Anahid Sofian, Sugar Sullivan, Valerie Taylor

    Conference Coordinators: Shelley Berg, Julia Mucci
    Program Committee: Sally R. Sommer, Chair. Noel Carroll, Marilyn Hunt, Sali Ann Kriegsman, Suzanne Shelton, Linda Small, Julinda Williams
    DCA Executive Board: Sally Banes, President; Mindy Aloff, Tullia Limarzi, George Dorris, Camille Hardy, Susan Reiter, Burt Supree, Elizabeth Zimmer

    DCA panel on how critics write about social and popular dance at joint American Dance Guild, CORD and SDHS Conference
    22-28 June 1981

    Los Angeles
    Coordinator: George Dorris
    Conference Coordinator: Nancy Ruyter

    DCA-sponsored panels, lectures, and writing workshop, New Dance USA Festival
    3-10 October 1981

    Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
    With funds from the University of Minnesota's Journalism Department, Concerts and Lectures Office, Coffman Program Council.

    Texas Institute for Dance Criticism
    27-28 March 1982

    University of Texas at Austin
    "Looking at Dance on Film and Video," a workshop in conjunction with "Tribute to Igor Youskevitch: 50 Years in Classical Ballet" at UT, Austin.
    Coordinator: Suzanne Shelton
    Videotape sessions: Marilyn Hunt; Laurie McDonald
    Critics' panel: Jack Anderson, Ann Barzel, William Como, Marilyn Hunt, Francis Mason, S. Shelton, Walter Terry and Nancy Vreeland

    Dance Critics Conference
    10-13 June 1982

    Subject: Tap Dancing
    In conjunction with the Colorado Dance Festival, Boulder, and the Chautauqua Association.
    Faculty: Deborah Jowitt, Suzanne Shelton
    Local administrator: Marda Kirn

    "Reconstruction and Revival: Which Dance is This, Anyway?"
    17-20 June 1982

    Milford Plaza Hotel, New York City
    Keynote Panel: chaired by Suzanne Shelton, with other critics participating. Dale Harris (welcome).
    Participants: D. Harris with Knud A. Jurgensen and Lis Jeppesen; Marcia B. Siegel with Tom Brown and Carla Maxwell; Anna Kisselgoff with Millicent Hodson; Nancy Reynolds with Rosemary Dunleavy, Victoria Simon, Francia Russell, John Taras; Deborah Jowitt and David Vaughan with Bertram Ross and Carolyn Brown; Linda Winer with Karel Shook, Ann Hutchinson, Lucinda Childs and others
    Movement sessions: Niels Bjorn Larsen, Ernestine Stodelle, Selma Odom, Dorothy Bird Villard

    Conference Committee: Sali Ann Kriegsman, Chair. Linda Winer, Co-Chair. Virginia Brooks, Anna Kisselgoff, John Mueller, Marcia B. Siegel
    Conference Administrator: Patricia Landon Assisted by Dance Theater Workshop.
    Special thanks to: Edward T. Gorey for permission to use his illustrations, Gotham Book Mart, Ballet Review and the L.J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation.
    DCA Board of Directors: Dale Harris, President; Wynne Delacoma, Camille Hardy, Julinda Lewis, Susan Reiter, Laura Shapiro, Linda Small, Burt Supree, Linda Winer

    "The Subject of Style: Insights and Exploration"
    DCA Tenth Anniversary Conference, 9-12 June 1983

    Milford Plaza Hotel, New York City
    Participants: Dale Harris (welcome); D. Harris with Kennedy Fraser, Viveca Lindfors, Craig Owens, John Rockwell, Carter Wiseman; Jim D'Anna with Clive Barnes, Edwin Denby, Anita Finkel, Anna Kisselgoff, Marcia B. Siegel; Elizabeth Kendall, Craig Bromberg, co-chairs, with Peter Anastos, Gail Conrad, Bill T. Jones, Susan Salinger; Writing workshops chaired by Deborah Jowitt, with Jack Anderson, Susan Reiter, Suzanne Shelton, M.B. Siegel, Elizabeth Zimmer and others; Violette Verdy, chair, with Hugo Fiorato, Daniel Duell. Maria Tallchief and Suzanne Farrell in conversation; Suki Schorer, lecture-demonstration; Mindy Aloff with Nancy Goldner, Robert Greskovic, Edward Willinger, and others; Dunham movement session taught by Lavinia Williams and Tommy Gomez; Brenda Dixon-Stowell and Effie Mihopoulos, co-chairs, with Vèvè Clark, Joe Nash, and others; Geoffrey Holder, chair, with Honi Coles, Sally R. Sommer, James Thurston, Sylvia Waters.

    Program Committee: Lydia Joel, Conference Chairman. Mindy Aloff, Craig Bromberg, Brenda Dixon-Stowell, Elizabeth Kendall, Effie Mihopoulos, Gary Parks, Elizabeth Zimmer
    Conference Administrator: Ralph G.I. Ferguson
    Brochure design by Lynda West.
    Assisted by: Dance Theater Workshop.
    Special thanks to Andy Warhol for permission to use one of his drawings, to the Film Division of the Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center, and to Jonnie Greene.
    DCA Board of Directors: Dale Harris, President; Wynne Delacoma, Brenda Dixon-Stowell, Jennifer Dunning, Nancy Goldner, Camille Hardy, Julinda Lewis, Effie Mihopoulos, Gary Parks, Susan Reiter, Herbert M. Simpson, Linda Winer.

    "You've taken my blues and gone:A seminar on black dance in white America"
    5 November 1983

    Dance Theater Workshop, New York City
    Steering committee: Brenda Dixon-Stowell, Julinda Lewis, Sally Banes

    Listening to Dance: Exploring the Relationship between Dance and Music"
    14-17 June 1984

    The Kitchen, New York City
    Participants: Cynthia West, Reba Adler (welcome); John Rockwell with Allen Hughes, Alan M. Kriegsman, Gregory Sandow, Allan Ulrich; Laura Dean and Meredith Monk; John Mueller with Richard Colton, Twyla Tharp, Suzanne Farrell, Robert Irving; Deborah Jowitt with Dorothy Bird, Ted Dalbotten, Sophie Maslow, Janet Soares; David Vaughan with Earl Brown, Remy Charlip and others; Craig Bromberg with John Bernd, Johanna Boyce, Wendy Perron and others; Sally Banes with John Szwed, Greg Tate and breakdancers; Movement Workshop led by Johanna Boyce; lecture/demonstration with Lynn Stanford, accompanist for the School of American Ballet; lecture/demonstration on Fred Astaire's use of music by John Mueller

    Program Committee: Reba Adler, Conference Chairman. Craig Bromberg, Jane Rubinsky, Susan Reiter, Eric Taub, Linda Winer
    Conference Administrator: Marcy Horwitz
    DCA Administrator: Susan Reiter
    DCA Board of Directors: Cynthia West, President; Craig Bromberg, Gail Glick, Nancy Goldner, Jonnie Greene, Alan M. Kriegsman, Julinda Lewis, Effie Mihopoulos, John Mueller, Herbert M. Simpson, Eric Taub, Elizabeth Zimmer
    Assisted by Dance Theater Workshop. Special thanks to Edward T. Gorey for permission to use his illustrations and to Gotham Book Mart.

    "Celebrating George Balanchine's The Four Temperaments"
    January 25, 1985

    DCA Seminar: Theater of the Riverside Church, New York City
    Program Committee: Jonnie Greene, Project Coordinator. Joan Acocella, Reba Adler, Mindy Aloff, Camille Hardy, Marilyn Hunt, Susan Reiter
    Special thanks to: Barbara Horgan, for permission to screen films; Genevieve Oswald, for lending films from the New York Public Library Dance Collection; Timothy Baum and the Kurt Seligmann Estate, for lending the original costume sketches; WNET/Channel 13 and Merrill Brockway, for the Dance in America videotape.
    Exhibition of photographs, documents, and original costume sketches curated by: Reba Adler.

    Text and Context: The Theater of Dance
    June 6-9, 1985

    Theater of the Riverside Church, New York City
    Keynote Panel: "Continental Drift," a discussion of the taste gap between Europe and the U.S. on the matter of theatricality; Joan Acocella, moderator, with Otis Stuart, Elizabeth Kendall, and others
    Participants: David Vaughan, with Dale Harris and P.W. Manchester; Sally Banes, with David Gordon, Yvonne Rainer and Trisha Brown; Marcia B. Siegel and Lewis Segal; Herbert Simpson, with Gideon Schein and others; Camille Hardy, with Tom Skelton, Jennifer Tipton and Beverly Emmons; Nancy Vreeland with William Ivey Long and others; George Dorris, with Frank W.D. Ries, Donald Saddler and others
    Demonstrations and Discussions: Dinna Bjorn; Effie Mihopoulos, moderator, with Blondell Cummings, Ishmael Houston-Jones, Stephanie Skura and Jane Comfort.
    Writers Workshop: Camille Hardy, Suzanne Levy, coordinators
    DCA Board of Directors/Program Committee: Mindy Aloff, President; Joan Acocella, Tullia Bohen, Iris M. Fanger, Jonnie Greene, Camille Hardy, Marilyn Hunt, Suzanne Levy, Effie Mihopoulos, John Mueller, Herbert Simpson, Eric Taub
    Conference Manager: Elizabeth Zimmer
    DCA Administrator: Susan Reiter
    Coordinator of Volunteers: Katy Matheson
    Design and Layout: Julie A. Zimmer

    "Celebrating Kasian Goleizovsky and His Influences"
    27 January 1986

    DCA Seminar: DTW's Bessie Schönberg Theater, New York City
    Participants: Lynn Garafola; Sally Banes; Mel Gordon; Stella (Duff) Hamarshlag; Si-lan Chen Leyda; Joan Ross Acocella
    Program Committee: Jonnie Greene, Project Director; Lynn Garafola, Program Coordinator; Joan Ross Acocella, Project Coordinator
    Special thanks to David Eden, Mel Gordon, Genevieve Oswald, Sally R. Sommer, Bill Como, Francis Mason, Gary Parks, Shields Remine and the School of Visual Arts.
    Made possible in part by a grant from the New York Council for the Humanities. Additional assistance provided by Dance Theater Workshop.
    DCA Board of Directors: Burt Supree, President; Joan Ross Acocella, Sally Banes, Barbara Figge Fox, Lynn Garafola, Jonnie Greene, Camille Hardy, Laurie Horn, George Jackson, Tullia Limarzi, Josie Neal, Sally R. Sommer
    DCA Administrator: Karen Onoda

    "Mirror, Mirror: Critics Look at Criticism"
    5-7 1986

    Theatre of the Riverside Church, New York City
    Assisted by Dance Theater Workshop.
    Conference Chair: Barry Laine
    Participants: Barbara Figge Fox with Penelope Doob, Laurie Horn, Roger W. Oliver, Gary Parks; Camille Hardy with Clive Barnes, Josie Neal, Alan Ulrich, Linda Winer; Deborah Jowitt with Alan M. Kriegsman, Wendy Perron, Eliot Feld, Cynthia Harvey; Lynn Garafola with Joan Ross Acocella, George Jackson, June Adler Vail, David Vaughan; Mindy Aloff, Sally Banes, Marcia B. Siegel, Linda Tomko; Elizabeth Zimmer with Eric Barsness, Suchi Branfman, Sophie Maslow, Steve Paxton; Robert Greskovic with Suki Schorer, Georgina Parkinson; Marcia Pally with Enrique Fernandez, Barry Laine, Julinda Lewis, Johanna Boyce, Tim Miller; Sally R. Sommer with Roger Angell; Effie Mihopoulous with Jennifer Dunning, William Harris, Dr. Judith Kupersmith, Lewis Segal. Participatory workshop led by Gus Solomons jr.

    DCA Board: Burt Supree, President, Joan Ross Acocella, Sally Banes, Barbara Figge Fox, Lynn Garafola, Jonnie Greene, Camille Hardy, Laurie Horn, George Jackson, Tullia Limarzi, Josie Neal, Sally R. Sommer
    DCA Administrator: Karen Onoda
    Volunteer coordinator: Robert Johnson
    Brochure Design: Joann Anand
    Conference Manager: Darcy Hall

    National Movement Theatre Conference for Critics, 26-28 June 1986

    Annenberg Center, Philadelphia, PA
    An exploration of criticism and movement arts.
    On planning committee: Sali Ann Kriegsman, Burt Supree, Elizabeth Zimmer

    "Two by Two — Partnering and Pas de Deux," Featuring a Seminar on The Sleeping Beauty
    4-6 June 1987

    Bruno Walter Auditorium, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts,
    Lincoln Center and Theatre of the Riverside Church, New York City
    Conference Administrator: Camille Hardy
    Co-sponsored by: The Dance Collection of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
    The Sleeping Beauty Seminar partially funded by the Harkness Ballet Foundation.

    Seminar on The Sleeping Beauty
    Program Director: Mindy Aloff
    Project Coordinator: Jonnie Greene
    Advisor: George Jackson
    Participants: Daniel Uchitelle and Valerie Taylor; Holly Brubach with Alexandra Danilova coaching variations; Robert Greskovic with Georgina Parkinson, Charles France; Mindy Aloff with Peter Anastos, Dale Harris, George Jackson, Suzanne C. Levy; Virginia Brooks (film excerpts); David Vaughan with Joan Acocella, Alastair Macaulay, Ed Willinger, Robert Greskovic

    Partnering and Pas de Deux
    Program Coordinators: Lynn Garafola, Camille Hardy, Jane Ward Murray, Sally R. Sommer
    Assisted by Dance Theater Workshop.
    Participants: Nancy Reynolds with Violette Verdy coaching; Jane Ward Murray with Igor Youskevitch coaching; Camille Hardy with Lupe Serrano, Eva Evdokimova, Michael Maule, Ivan Nagy; Cynthia Novack with Nancy Stark Smith, Karen Nelson; J. Acocella with Isabelle Marteau, Eric Barsness; Noel Carroll with Bill T. Jones, Arnie Zane; Sally R. Sommer (film presentation); Elizabeth Kendall with Pierre Dulaine, Yvonne Marceau; Laura Shapiro with Mary Ann Kellogg, Kenneth Rinker; John Mueller (film presentation)

    Conference Program Chair: Nancy Reynolds
    DCA Administrator: Karen Onoda
    Volunteer Coordinator: Camille Izard
    Brochure Design: Abigail Sturges
    DCA Board of Directors: Nancy Reynolds, President; Barbara Figge Fox, Lynn Garafola, Jonnie Greene, Camille Hardy, George Jackson, Tullia Limarzi, Gary Parks, Sally R. Sommer

    "The Rite of Spring at Seventy-Five"
    5-7 November 1987

    Bruno Walter Auditorium, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center
    Presented by DCA and the Dance Collection of the Library.
    Participants: Jonnie Greene, Genevieve Oswald (welcome); Robert Craft; Joan Acocella (welcome), Millicent Hodson, Robert Joffrey, members of the Joffrey Ballet; Kenneth Archer; Robert Rosenblum, Lynn Garafola, J. Acocella, Mindy Aloff, David Daniel. Shelley C. Berg; Deborah Jowitt, Eleanor King, Bessie Schönberg, Anna Sokolow; Dale Harris, Elizabeth Zimmer; Naima Prevots, Susan Manning, Sally R. Sommer, Susan Reiter, Carolyn Adams, Ruth Andrien; Sally Banes, Yvonne Rainer, Francis Sparshott, John Szwed

    Project Committee:
    Jonnie Greene, Project Director
    Lynn Garafola, Program Coordinator
    Joan Acocella, Program Coordinator
    Sally Blumenthal, Liaison for the Dance Collection
    Funded by the New York Council for the Humanities.

    DCA Board of Directors: Lynn Garafola and Tullia Limarzi, Co-Presidents; Natasha Simon, Anne Levin, Karen Onoda, Ann Daly, Doris Diether, Jonnie Greene, Betsy Kline, H.B. Kronen, Jane Ward Murray, Janice Ross
    DCA Administrator: Darcy Hall
    Dance Collection Staff: Genevieve Oswald, Curator Emeritus; Monica Moseley, First Assistant

    Committee for the Dance Collection:
    Peter Wolff, Chairman
    Mary Sharp Cronson, Vice Chairman
    Mrs. Martin Blumenthal, Secretary
    Richard S. Zeisler, Treasurer
    Anne H. Bass, Mrs. Norbert A. Bogdan, Mrs. Walker O. Cain, Marian Eames, Francis Francis, Mrs. Francois Goldschmidt, Allan J. Gottdenker, Mrs. Robert D. Graff, Gene Kelly, Lincoln Kirstein, Mrs. Norman Lassalle, William S. Lieberman, Porter McCray, Francis S. Mason, Genevieve Oswald, Mrs. Robert E. Pabst, Jerome Robbins, Dr. Carleton Sprague Smith, Mrs. Byam K. Stevens, Jr., Margaret Stillman, Jean Sulzberger, Mrs. Jeff Tarr, Robert L.B. Tobin, Mrs. Marvin S. Traub, Edward M.M. Warburg, Mrs. George Washburn, Mrs. Bethuel M. Webster, Helen Wright

    "Why A Swan? A Seminar on Swan Lake"
    23-24 April 1988

    San Francisco Ballet Building, San Francisco
    Presented by The Archives for the Performing Arts (San Francisco) and DCA. Coinciding with the première of Helgi Tomasson's staging of Swan Lake, with the assistance of Irina Jacobson,for San Francisco Ballet.
    Keynote Speaker: Joan Acocella
    Participants: Janice Ross, Stephen Cobbett Steinberg (welcome); Roland John Wiley; Willam Christensen, Janet Reed; Mindy Aloff; John Mueller; Deborah Jowitt, Simon Karlinksy; Anna Kisselgoff, Clive Barnes, Alastair Macaulay, Alan M. Kriegsman; William Como; Cynthia Gregory; Allegra Kent interviewed by Mindy Aloff; A. Macaulay; Helgi Tomasson, Irina Jakobson; Jens Jacobs Worsaae, David K.H. Elliott interviewed by Allan Ulrich.

    Project Co-Directors: Janice Ross, Stephen Cobbett Steinberg
    An account of the proceedings of "Why a Swan?" was subsequently published by the Archives for the Performing Arts (San Francisco).

    "SPACE — a conference"
    16-18 June 1988

    Theatre of the Riverside Church, New York City
    Keynote speaker: Richard Schechner
    Participants: Janice Ross with Anna Halprin, Brenda Way; Ann Daly with Marianne Goldberg, Philip Auslander; Natasha Simon with James Hillman and choreographers and writers; H.B. Kronen with Paul Goldberger and others; David Vaughan with Bruce Marks, Jane Ward Murray and others TBA; Deborah Jowitt with Elise Bernhardt, Yoshiko Chuma, Elaine Summers; H.B. Kronen with Arnold S. Friedman, Josie Neal; June Vail with Deborah Jowitt, Roger Copeland, Anita Finkel, Mindy Aloff

    Conference Administrator: Susan Bindig
    Volunteer Coordinator: Lisa Hawkins
    Collage drawing by: Jonnie Green
    Desktop publishing by: Kramer Communications
    DCA Board of Directors: Lynn Garafola, Tullia Limarzi, Co-Presidents; Ann Daly, Doris Diether, Jonnie Greene, Betsy Kline, H.B. Kronen, Ann Levin, Jane Ward Murray, Karen Onoda, Janice Ross, Natasha Simon

    "On the Edge: Challenges to American Dance – An International Dance Conference"
    9-11 June 1989

    San Francisco Ballet Building, San Francisco

    Getting in Step with the World
    Keynote Address: Sally Banes
    Presenters: Lecture/demonstration: Maria Benitez, I Wayan Dibia, Chitresh Das, C.K. Ladzekpo;Judith Mitoma and Joann Kealiinohomoku, moderators, with above presenters as speakers; Marcia B. Siegel and Lewis Segal, moderators, with Laurie Horn, Sal Murgiyanto, Robert Commanday

    The Aftermath of Balanchine
    Keynote Address: Arlene Croce
    Participants: Nancy Goldner, moderator, with Edward Villella, Daniel Duell, Francia Russell; Mindy Aloff, moderator, with Alastair Macaulay, Alan M. Kriegsman, Janice Berman, Claudia Roth Pierpont, Laurie Horn; Suzanne Farrell interviewed by Toni Bentley

    Where Are We Going? Where Have We Been?
    Keynote Address: Peter Sellars
    Participants: Roger Copeland; Sally Banes, Byron Brown; Ann Daly, Joe Goode, Tim Miller, Johanna Boyce; lecture-film on Twyla Tharp, presented by Laura Shapiro

    50 Ways to See Tomorrow
    Participants: William Forsythe; Richard LeBlond, moderator, with Sali Ann Kriegsman, Don Moore, Rhoda Grauer, Brenda Way, W. McNeil Lowry

    Conference Chairman: Janet Ross
    Preliminary funding: Capezio/Ballet Maker Dance Foundation, the Columbia Foundation, the Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation, the Harkness Foundations for Dance, Knight Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, and the Zellerbach Family Fund. Support also provided by Cal Anderson/Design, British Airways, the San Francisco Ballet Association, San Jose Cleveland Ballet, San Jose Mercury News, and Video Free America

    Fifth Hong Kong International Dance Conference
    15-28 July 1990

    DCA Criticism Panel: Marcia B. Siegel, Daryl Ries, Bruce Fleming, Erik Aschengreen, Carolyn Kelemen
    Panel Coordinator: George Jackson

    "Looking Out – Critical Imperatives in World Dance"
    31 August-3 September 1990

    An International Conference presented by the Dance Critics Association under the agency of The Dance Gallery.
    California State University, Los Angeles. Concurrent with the opening of the 1990 Los Angeles Festival.

    Session I
    Participants: James A. Rosser, Janice Ross, Elizabeth Zimmer, David Gere (welcome); Jawole Willa Jo Zollar; Laurel George with Brenda Dixon, Kazue Kobata, Suzanne Shelton; Lewis Segal with Hanay Geiogarnah, Amalia Hernandez, Leona Wood; Caucus meetings/Working Lunch with Charles Wilmoth, Selma Jeanne Cohen, Steven Durland, Tom Strini, Sali Ann Kriegsman and Matthew Kennedy, Linda Frye Burnham, Anne Marie Welsh, Rachel Cooper and C.K. Ladzekpo, Bonnie Stein

    Session II
    Participants: Allegra Fuller Snyder (film-video presentation); June Vail, Dr. Ronald R. Smith; Alan M. Kriegsman, Gus Solomons Jr.

    Session III
    Participants: Hanay Geiogamah, master class; Nicole Plett with Sardono W. Kusomo, Vicky Takamine, Kapila Vatsyayan; Jamake Highwater; Janice Ross

    Session IV: Looking Out
    Participants: Vicky Takamine, master class; Ricardo D. Trimillos; Deborah Jowitt with Joan Acocella, Marcia B. Siegel; Bruce Fleming; Sally Banes; Butoh film introduced by Bonnie Stein.

    Session V: Looking Ahead
    Participants: Woomera Mornington Island Culture Team (master class); Guillermo Gomez-Peña; Mark Morris interviewed by Joan Acocella

    Funders: California Arts Council; California Council for the Humanities, a state program of the NEH; City of Los Angeles, Cultural Affairs Department; The James Irvine Foundation; Los Angeles Times; Mervyn's; Philip Morris Companies Inc.; Lloyd E. Rigler and Lawrence E. Deutsch of Los Angeles; The Rockefeller Foundation; and the Zellerbach Family Fund.
    Support also provided by California State University, Los Angeles; Cultural Affairs Department, Security Pacific Corporation; The Dance Gallery; Bonnie Kamin; San Francisco Ballet Association; and Allen Wallace Public Relations

    Conference Directors: Elizabeth Zimmer and David Gere
    Coordinator (Caucus Meetings): Anne Marie Welsh
    Art Director: Christienne de Tournay
    Photography: Bonnie Kamin.
    A book of the proceedings, edited by David Gere with Lewis Segal, Patrice Clark Koelsch and Elizabeth Zimmer, was subsequently published by DCA with Schirmer Books, under the title Looking Out: Perspectives on Dance and Criticism in a Multicultural World.

    "Les Ballets 1933; The Life and Work of Bronislava Nijinska"
    9-10 November 1990

    Bruno Walter Auditorium, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center
    Sponsored by DCA and the Dance Collection of The New York Public Library at Lincoln Center.
    Concurrent with "Les Ballets 1933 and Beyond," an exhibition in the adjacent Amsterdam Gallery.
    A Nijinska exhibition, "Bronislava Nijinska: Choreographer, Dancer, Teacher," was also on display 9 December 1990-6 April 1991, at the Library's Vincent Astor Gallery.

    "Looking In: Who Are We, Anyway?" Issues in Dance Criticism
    14-16 June 1991

    Barnard College, New York City
    Keynote speaker: Kim Levin
    Participants: Don McDonagh; Raewyn Whyte; Cathy Curtis, moderator, with Jonathan Taylor, Art Martinez; Janice Ross, moderator, with a panel of dance goers; Deborah Jowitt, moderator, with Jane Hermann, Ellen Jacobs, Jelon Vieira, Bob Yesselman; David Nicholson, moderator, with Carmelita Tropicana, Burt Supree; David Vaughan, moderator, with Joan Acocella, Lynn Garafola, Donna Perlmutter, Janet Soares; Bruce Fleming, moderator with Brenda Dixon, George Jackson, Rita Felciano. Book signing party with Larry Warren. Dale Harris, speaking on "Memories of Margot."

    Conference Committee: Cathy Curtis, Chair; Bruce Fleming, David Nicholson, Shelley Berg
    With thanks to Barnard College, Department of Dance, Jane Soares, Chair; DCA president Nicole Plett; Vice-president Molly McQuade; Site Coordinator Kathleen Hall; 1990 Conference Co-Director: David Gere.

    "Looking at Ballet: Ashton and Balanchine, 1926-1936"
    13-14 July 1991

    Russell Sage College, Troy, NY
    A joint symposium sponsored by SDHS, DCA, the Saratoga Performing Arts Center, and the National Museum of Dance.

    "Dance Scene on the Screen: Critical Questions about Video and Television Dance"
    20 November 1992

    DCA Annual Meeting
    Anthology Film Archive, New York City
    Participants: Virginia Brooks with Judy Kinberg, excerpts of four taped versions of Balanchine's Serenade; Marcia B. Siegel with Michael Schwartz, Elizabeth Streb; Mindy Aloff with Miriam Arsham, film excerpts; Rhoda Grauer with Gerry Jonas, Beth Pollack, Stephanie Bacal, screening excerpts from Dancing television series; Hilary Ostlere with Robert Greskovic, Rose Anne Thom, Monica Moseley, Douglas Rosenberg, Elaine Bayless; screening, Beach Birds for Camera (Cunningham/Cage, director: Eliot Caplan)

    Conference Programmer: Virginia Brooks
    Conference Coordinator: Cerinda Survant
    Made possible in part by a grant from the Capezio-Ballet Makers Foundation.

    "Rethinking the Balanchine Legacy"
    19 April 1993 and 17 May 1993

    Presented by DCA and The Dance Collection of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.
    Bruno Walter Auditorium, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center. (Balanchine exhibition at the Library made possible by a grant from the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, Inc.)

    Balanchine, Jazz, and Popular Dance
    Participants: Madeleine Nichols, Jonnie Greene (welcome); Sally Banes; Tamara Geva, Harold Nicholas (Constance V. Hill, interviewer), Katherine Dunham (Jennifer Dunning, interviewer), Louis Johnson, Arthur Mitchell, Glory Van Scott; Jacques D'Amboise, Arthur Mitchell, Francisco Moncion, Suki Schorer; Elizabeth Kendall

    Fifty Years of Looking at Balanchine
    M. Nichols, Lynn Garafola (welcome); Marcia B. Siegel; Laurie Horn (film presentation); Nancy Reynolds, moderator, with Kay Mazzo, A. Mitchell, Edward Villella, Patricia Wilde; Mindy Aloff, moderator, with Robert Garis, Nancy Goldner, Jonnie Greene, Dale Harris, George Jackson, David Vaughan

    Project Director: Jonnie Greene
    Program Coordinator: Lynn Garafola
    For DCA:
    David Gere, Co-Chairman
    Deborah Jowitt, Co-Chairman
    Molly McQuade, Secretary
    Doris Diether, Treasurer (ex-officio)
    Stasia Ward Kehoe, Administrator

    For the Dance Collection:
    Curator: Madeleine Nichols
    Project Coordinator: Sallie Blumenthal
    Design: Monica Moseley
    The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts

    Executive Director: Robert Marx
    Funded in part by the New York Council for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Harkness Ballet Foundation.

    With support from: the Board of Directors of the DCA, the Dance Research Foundation, the staffs of the Dance Collection and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and the following individuals: Mindy Aloff, Sally Banes, Theodore Bartwink, Vévé Clark, Doris Diether, Ethel Greenburg, Barbara Horgan, Celia Ipiotis, Jay Kaplan, Lincoln Kirstein, Arthur Mitchell, Rigmor Newman, Alan Pally, Jeanelle Stovall, and Dr. Glory Van Scott.

    "Moving Across Words," DCA Annual Conference
    10 June 1993

    Clark Studio Theater, Rose Building at Lincoln Center, New York City
    Participants: Carolyn Brown, Deborah Hay; Elizabeth Zimmer, moderator, with representatives from small dance publications: Attitude, The Dancers' Magazine, Contact Quarterly, Dance Ink, Less Hot Air on Dance, NewDance Review; Blondell Cummings, Ann Cooper Albright, participatory workshop for critics
    Conference Chair: Marcia B. Siegel
    Preceded the SDHS/CORD conference, 11-13 June, at Lincoln Center, and concurrent with NYCB's Balanchine Festival.

    "Black Mountain College and Merce Cunningham in the Fifties: New Perspectives"
    October 9-10, 1993

    Russell Sage College, Troy, New York
    Keynote: ?
    Co-sponsored by DCA and Russell Sage College.
    Conference Co-Planners: Deborah Jowitt, Marcia B. Siegel
    Dean of the College: David Goldenberg, who introduced moderator Mary Harris, author of The Arts at Black Mountain College

    "Crossed Stars: Artistic Sources and Social Conflict in the Ballet Romeo and Juliet"
    11-12 March 1994

    Concurrent with the San Francisco Ballet première of Helgi Tomasson's Romeo and Juliet.
    San Francisco Ballet Building, San Francisco
    Keynote Address: Dale Harris
    Participants: George Jackson with Nancy Goldner, Gunhild Oberzaucher-Schuller, Don McDonagh, Diana Theodores; Dr. Edward Muir; Virginia Brooks; Janice Ross interviewing Helgi Tomasson; Dr. Ronald A. Rebholz; Roger Copeland, moderator, with Sally Banes, Bruce Fleming, David Gere, Katia Noyes; Dr. Harlow Robinson; Rita Felciano with Nancy Reynolds, Lewis Segal, Allan Ulrich, Martha Ullman West; Camille Hardy; David Vaughan; Joan Acocella, interviewing Evelyn Cisneros, Tina LeBlanc, Elizabeth Loscavio; Hilary Ostlere

    Conference Co-directors: Rita Felciano and Eric Hellman
    An account of the proceedings, Crossed Stars: Artistic Sources and Social Conflict in the Ballet Romeo and Juliet, edited by Rita Felciano and Eric Hallman, was subsequently published by the San Francisco Performing Arts Library & Museum.

    Supporters included the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, the Zellerbach Family Fund, the Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation, San Francisco Ballet Association and many other individuals.

    "RE:sources: Expanding our Critical Reference"
    21st Annual Conference, 2-4 June 1995

    University of Pittsburgh and The Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art Theater, Pittsburgh, PA
    Keynote address: Bill T. Jones
    Pre-conference Sessions (Movement as a Verb-Al Action): Deborah Jowitt, David Dorfman; D. Jowitt with Lynne Conner and Jane Vranish; Mark Taylor, Glenna Batson; D. Jowitt, Marcia B. Siegel; D. Dorfman

    Conference planners: Bill Bissell, Dance Alloy. Nicole Plett, Gus Solomon Jr., Deborah Jowitt.
    Conference co-chairs: Vicky Clark, associate curator of The Carnegie Museum of Art, and DCA member Jane Vranish, with additional help from board and individual DCA members
    Co-sponsors: Dance Alloy School at the Carnegie and the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, NEA, the Pittsburgh Dance Council, the Three Rivers Arts Festival, Pittsburgh Ballet Theater and Capezio/Ballet Makers Dance Foundation

    "Ballets Suéois – A Symposium"
    14 October 1995

    Katie Murphy Amphitheater, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City
    Sponsored by DCA and The Museum at The Fashion Institute of Technology.
    Symposium Coordinator: Lynn Garafola
    Special thanks to Nancy Van Norman Baer, Nina Bennahum, Gorel Bogarde and the staff of the Swedish Information Service, Barbara Castle, Rita Felciano, Dorothy Twining Globus, Jonnie Greene, Joan Greenfield, Patrick Hennessey, Diana Hollingworth, George Jackson, Robert Johnson, Deborah Jowitt, Erik Naslund, Dominique Singer, and Kathryn Williams.

    "Critical Issues: Update & Forecast"
    31 May-2 June 1996

    92nd Street Y, Harkness Dance Center, New York City
    Keynote Address: Alan M. Kriegsman
    Participants: Martha Ullman West, moderating brief predictions for the 21st century by prominent artistic directors, choreographers, critics and dancers; Rita Felciano, with Robert Greskovic, Jose Sasportes, Diana Theodores, George Jackson; lecture-demonstration with Robert Johnson, moderator, and Uttara Asha Coorlawala and others; movement session and discussion led by Jonathon Appels and dancers of Company Appels; Lynn Garafola, moderator, with Sally Banes, Elizabeth Aldrich, Suzanne Carbonneau; Lili Cockerille Livingston, moderator, with R. Johnson, Tom Parsons, Dean Moss, Linda Belans, Andrea Sferes; Paul Ben-Itzak, moderator, with Susan Broili, Jennifer Dunning, Rita Felciano, Caitlin Sims; Doris Hering, moderator, with Kirk Petersen, Dermot Burke, Martin Fredmann, Alun Jones; Cathryn Harding, moderator, with Linda Belans, Richard Einhorn, Sara Hook, Bob Fogelgren; Isadorafest (performances by Isadora Duncan International Institute, Dances by Isadora, Lori Belilove and Company, and Duncan Dance Continuum)

    Program committee: Martha Ullman West, George Jackson, Kathryn Williams, Robert Johnson, Cathryn Harding, Nicole Dekle
    Conference manager: Susannah Keagle
    Special thanks to Joan Finkelstein/92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Center, Juliano's Boston Communications Group, The Village Voice. Assisted by Dance Theater Workshop.
    Art: Julia Levien

    "Classic Black" Seminar
    12, 26 February 1996

    Bruno Walter Auditorium, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center
    A collaboration between the Dance Collection of the New York Public Library and the Dance Research Foundation.

    Conceived, researched, and developed by Dawn Lille [Horwitz].
    Designed by Jonnie Green in consultation with Brooks Walter and in cooperation with the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.
    Two free-to-the-public, DCA panel discussions on the theme of the black classical ballet artists of the 1930's to 1970's, supplementing an exhibition of photographs, "Classic Black," were conducted at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, 9 February-27 April 1996. The exhibition itself, which did not have direct DCA involvement apart from the individual involvement of DCA members Lille and Greene, has been seen since at The Gem Theater, Kansas City, MO (Winter-Spring, 1997); The Black World History and Wax Museum, St. Louis, MO (Summer 1998); Anacostia Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (October 1998-April 1999); the University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA (Summer 1999, to coordinate with 2000 Feet); and the National Museum of Dance, Saratoga, NY. (May 1, 2002- April 2004).

    Photographs from the Joe Nash Collection at the Schomburg Center for Black History in New York, the Huntington Library in California, and from private collections.

    "Storytelling & Narrative in Dance & Dance Criticism"
    23rd Annual Conference, 29-31 May 1997

    Phelps Center, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Seattle. Concurrent with a PNB production of George Balanchine's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
    Coordinators: Martha Ullman West and Kathryn Harding
    Keynote Address: Mindy Aloff
    Panelists: Gigi Berardi, Linda Belans, James Canfield, Robert Davidson, Rita Felciano, Pat Graney, Barry Johnson, Spider Kedelsky, Joan Laage, Lili Cockerille Livingston, Jean Lenihan, Toni Pimble, Francia Russell, Scott Sutherland, Lewis Segal, Cerinda Survant, Christian Swenson, Bernard Taper, Tom Truss, David Vaughn and Arne Zaslove. Movement session with Tom Truss.

    With support from Capezio® Ballet Makers Dance Foundation, Inc., The Harkness Foundations for Dance and the Business Volunteers for the Arts.

    "What's Popular about Popular Culture?"
    24th Annual Conference, 11-12 July 1998

    Kaplan Penthouse, Rose Building at Lincoln Center Plaza, New York City
    Keynote Address: John Rockwell
    Participants: Keynote plenary session: Reid Anderson, Sally Brayley Bliss, Cathryn Harding, Rennie Harris, Laura Stempel Mumford, John Neumeier, Sally R. Sommer; Joan L. Erdman, Joy Harjo, Sunil Kothari, Pattabhi Raman, Anita Ratnam; Matthew Bourne, Rennie Harris, Deidre Sklar, Elizabeth Streb; Jack Anderson, Lynne Conner, Octavio Roca, Wilma Salisbury, Elizabeth Zimmer; Merrill Brockway, Laura Stempel Mumford, Lewis Segal, Margaret Selby, Sue Weil; L. Conner; L. Segal and Ray Ricketts

    Presented in association with the 1988 Lincoln Center Festival. Funded in part by The New York Times Company Foundation, Inc.; Dance Magazine; Capezio Ballet Makers Foundation; Harkness Foundations for Dance; and the Pennsylvania Council for the Arts.
    Organized by Dance Alloy and Bill Bissell.

    "Critical State: Writing Dance into the 21st Century"
    DCA 25th Anniversary, 19-20 June 1999

    Philadelphia Arts Bank, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, with post-conference activities June 20-22, 1999
    Keynote Address: Ann Daly, Deborah Jowitt, Ralph Lemon
    Featured Interview: Selma Jeanne Cohen, with Mindy Aloff
    Local Community Liaison: Merilyn Jackson

    Hosted by: "2000 Feet – a Celebration of World Dance," produced by the University of the Arts and the Philadelphia Dance Alliance. Funded by The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Independence Foundation and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts; The New York Times Foundation, Dance Magazine, Capezio Ballet Makers Foundation, Harkness Foundations for Dance, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, ICM and other sources.

    "Dancing in the Millennium"
    19-23 July 2000

    Georgetown Conference Center, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, Kennedy Center, and other locations, Washington, D.C.
    A joint conference of DCA, Society of Dance History Scholars, National Dance Association, and Congress of Research on Dance, plus participation by many other collateral organizations.

    DCA representative to planning committee: Sandra Kurtz.
    Steering committee: Dawn Lille [Horwitz] (SDHS) and Susan Eike Spalding (CORD), Co-chairs. Martha Ullman West (DCA), representative to the steering committee; Dolores Plunk Smith (NDA)

    "Write On – Links to the Past, Visions of the Future"
    20-22 July 2001

    School of American Ballet, Rose Building at Lincoln Center, New York City.
    Concurrent with Lincoln Center Festival performances.
    Senior Critic Address: Clive Barnes
    Participants: Trisha Brown, Wendy Perron, Nigel Redden; Rita Felciano, José Bustamante, Merián Soto, Laura Alonzo, Gloria Contreras; Megan Halverson, Monica Mosley, Marcia Parsons, Mary Cargill; Sylvia on film, George Jackson, moderator; discussion (of Sylvia) with George Dorris and Olivier Muñoz, Sylvie Guillem; Deidre Sklar, Garth Fagan, Shobana Jeyasingh, M. Soto; Deborah Jowitt, Dale Cendali, Barbara Horgan, Carla Maxwell, Nancy Reynolds; Robin Hoffman, Brenda Dixon-Gottschild, Grover Dale, Rennie Harris, Elizabeth Streb
    Organizer: Dance Alloy

    Funded in part by Capezio/Balletmakers, Harkness Foundations for Dance, New York State Council on the Arts, and other public and private contributions; and by a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

    "Discovering Treasures – Writers and Resources at the Dance Collection"
    31 May-2 June 2002

    Bruno Walter Auditorium, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center
    Senior Critic's Address: Doris Hering
    Featured speakers: David Vaughan; Alexander Grant, interviewed by David Vaughan
    Participants: Wendy Perron, chair, with Joseph Carman, Chris Dohse, Darrah Carr, Jody Sperling; The Fairy Doll, film, with George Jackson and Anna Marie Holmes, moderators; Martha Ullman West, chair, with Brenda Dixon-Gottschild, Lynn Garafola, Deborah Jowitt, Marcia B. Siegel, Alexandra Tomalonis; Heather Wisner, chair, with Karyn Collins and others
    Conference Coordinator: Mary Cargill
    Hosted by The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts and funded in part by Dance Magazine, the Harkness Foundations for Dance, and other sources.

    "The New World of Dance Writing"
    28th Annual Conference, 20-22 June 2003

    Barnard Hall, Barnard College, New York City
    Keynote Speaker: Victor Nevasky
    Featured Speaker: John Rockwell
    Senior Critic's Address: Francis Mason
    Participants: Karyn D. Collins, Janet Soares (welcome); Mindy Aloff (opening remarks); Wendy Perron, moderator, with Eva Yaa Asantewaa, Gia Kourlas, George Jackson, Martha Ullman West; Robert Greskovic (film presentation); Mindy Aloff, moderator, with Robert Greskovic, Rachel Howard, Gia Kourlas, Alexandra Tomalonis, Elizabeth Zimmer; Martha Ullman West (film presentation/comments); Virginia Johnson, moderator, with Janet Anderson, Jane Goldberg, Janet Light, Jonathan Slaff; Susan Jones; Rita Felciano, moderator, with Laura Jacobs, Yona Zeldis McDonough, Ellen Pall, Adrienne Sharp.
    Performances by: Christopher Caines Dance Company and Dana Ruttenberg and Dancers

    Conference Chairman: Mindy Aloff
    Co-Chair: Karyn D. Collins
    Introductions: M. Aloff, K. Collins, Laura Bleiberg
    Sponsors: Barnard College Department of Dance, Capezio, Harkness Foundation, Lifestyle Ventures, Dancer Magazine, Dance Magazine, and other individual donors

    "Flashpoints, Flashbacks and Fast-Forwards"
    29th Annual Conference, 4-6 June 2004

    The Prince Music Theater, Philadelphia, PA. Coinciding with the Pennsylvania Ballet première of Christopher Wheeldon's Swan Lake and 40th anniversary exhibit.
    Keynote Speaker: KC Patrick
    Senior Critic Address: Marcia B. Siegel
    Special Panel on 30 Years of the DCA: Deborah Jowitt, moderator
    Participants: Merilyn J. Jackson, Theodore Bale, Karyn D. Collins (welcome); Laura Jacobs in conversation with Christopher Wheeldon, Roy Kaiser, Jean-Marc Puissant; Christie Taylor, with Barbara Weisberger, Sandra Jennings and others; Mary Edsall and panel; Miriam Seidel, chair; Manfred Fischbeck, Randy Swartz, Terry Fox, Joan Myers Brown, and other panelists; Wendy Perron, with Elizabeth Zimmer, Jeff Weinstein, Robert Johnson, Jeffrey Escoffier; E. Zimmer, with Judy Mitoma, Dale Ann Stieberg, Yvonne Sebands, Paul Kaiser, Carmela Vassor-Johnson. Special dance films presentation at the Prince Theater.

    Conference Co-Chairs: Merilyn J. Jackson and Theodore Bale
    Conference Administrator: Anita King
    With support from Capezio, Dance Magazine, The Greater Philadelphia Tourism and Marketing Corporation, and The Independence Foundation.

    "Critical Unity in Critical Times: A National Symposium of Critics"
    30th Annual Conference, 25-28 May 2005 - a joint conference with American Theatre Critics Association, Dance Critics Association, International Association of Art Critics/USA and Music Critics Association of North America

    A posting about the 2005 DCA conference.